Thursday, 4 August
This day was my third and last teaching practice day. The
sub unit for this day was “thank you, mother”. I had plan to made bracelet for
mother and I used a pop-up book about mother to review the previous lesson.
Today I gave a game for the children “finding Anna’s mommy
and finding Rony’s mommy”, I was happy because the children were excited.
we made 4 groups and did an art work.
And here, our bracelets. Not bracelets actually, but rings. Amazing, right. ^_^
But this day, we
had some problems when making bracelet:
Because there were many
beads to made bracelet, some children lost their beads though I gave them a
glass per child to put their beads and finally we could say that they made a
ring for mother not a bracelet for mother. Hehehe. But, that was amazing.
Because we used an elastic
string, the children’s bends fell down from the string, though I gave a prop on
the string
The time was out by
searching the lost beads and repeat the work because of problem number 2
- - - - - - -
Over all three days of my teaching periods, I feel that the
biggest problem is language and communication, then the second problem is we
don’t know what will happen in the class so we have to anticipate anything,
even we’ve already anticipate there will be unpredictable moment that may broke
our anticipation. So we better to prepare anything well.
These are some solutions for the previous issues about control the class:
Using song, word and movement to
control the class, like say “head, shoulder, nose, etc” while touch the part of
that body. Or when the class become noise, we could suddenly sing a song to get children attention and follow the song.
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